DreamWonder Limassol

services overview


DreamWonder Limassol Nursery School has the same admission rules for children as in other pre-school institutions.

Step 1 - Contact

Please Call or Send us an email limassol@dreamwonder.com.cy or call on one of the following:

Mob:+357 99518387
Mob: +357 99939310
Landline: +357 25382503

Step 2 - Visit Us

You are invited to visit us to meet teachers and understand the
environment in our nursery,
Check our facilities.

Step 3 - JOIN US

When you decide to join us please sign the contract and pay the following fee:

1. 100€ - Registration fee
2. 50€ - Insurance
3. Deposit (monthly payment)

Step 4 - Documents

Please provide the necessary documents!

1. Birth Certificate,
2. Health certificate,
3. ID

Apply for Admission to DreamWonder Limassol Nursery School